How do I start?
  • You need to create a user account on our website at MINING.AG
  • Download MINING.AG firmware for your device and reflash it. Our ASIC firmware does not allow mining on another pool
  • Set up your miner at Miner Configuration section. Use underscore to separate username and worker name (username_workername)
  • Once you see your worker on your MINING.AG dashboard, you need to increase the hashrate limit for your account to be able to receive rewards for mining
Do I have to pay for hashrate limit of my account?

You will need to pay a certain number of coins once for each power limit of 50Th. For example, Antminer S9 with MINING.AG firmware gives about 47-49Th

Why do I have to pay for hashrate limit?

The more hashrate MINING.AG aggregates, the more our data center computing power is needed to make this hashrate more profitable. Therefore, we decided to share this opportunity with other miners for a certain one-time fee from each connected 50Th.

What payment options are?
There are two options:
  • You can pay with Bitcoin by transferring required amount to your account balance
  • You can increase the hashrate limit in debt. In this case your account will become negative until you get enough mining rewards
When and how can I get paid?

Once your reward is confirmed and displayed under your user account you may at any time request us to pay out the confirmed reward. For security reasons, all payments requested till 1 p.m. GMT are made once a day at 3 p.m GMT.